Normandia w obrazach

To był bardzo krótki, ale intensywny wyjazd. W ciągu trzech dni zdążylismy przejechac Normandię od jej południowych krańców po znajdujące sie na północy wybrzeże. I wrócić.

Gdynia Sailing Days and Unexpected French Surprise

Last few days I have spent by the Polish sea, shouting, dancing, jumping and screaming on the Open’er 2009 Festival. Beside the main msic attraction the other great thing to remember was visiting Gdynia’s Marina during the Gdynia Sailing Days. It was awesome – so many beautiful ships in one place.One of them came from…

French Aperitif and Toast for Freedom

Yesterday we have celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Liberation of Poland .  Though I am really not the anniversary-celebration type of peron and I really don’t like all those pompous, fussy and very very official gatherings and ceremonies, this time was different. All because of few Polish NGO’s and people, who really wanted to…